Developer Guide


Rubedo aims to be a very friendly environment for developers.


The loosely coupled architecture of Zend Framework 2 offers a great playground for extending Rubedo cores functionalities or create new ones.

A Rubedo Extension is structured as a ZF2 module.


A complete example of code is available on

This example extension shows how to :

  • build a fresh new theme, coming with its css, js and images files
  • build a new functionnal block, called myblock, with funny css3 effects
  • override an existing block : Menu


You can install an extension using composer :


1) copy composer.extension.json.dist to composer.extension.json in your Rubedo installation directory

2) add your extension repository in composer.extension.json

	"name": "rubedo/extensions",
	"require": {
		"webtales/myextension": "dev-master" 
	"require-dev": {},
	"repositories": [
			"type": "vcs",
			"url": "git://"
	"minimum-stability": "stable",
	"config": {
		"process-timeout": 600,
		"vendor-dir": "extensions"

3) run rubedo.bat or depending on your OS


End the installation process by cleaning the Rubedo cache (from the back-office in the supervision module or by manually cleaning cache/config directory)


For more details about building blocks please read Adding block types to your extension